What Is Technical SEO?

When we say that we can improve your website’s SEO, we’re referring to every well-known best practice that is designed to move your business up the rankings. Of course, SEO encompasses a variety of areas, each of which has its own focus.

You may have heard “technical SEO” mentioned as part of the strategy for fixing up your website for the search engines. It’s actually one of the most important parts of SEO. What’s interesting, however, is that, when your site’s technical SEO is updated–when you’re mobile friendly and showing Google all your pages and so on–you don’t even notice it’s there.

But when something goes wrong with your technical SEO, you’ll watch your rankings plummet lower and lower, as Google decides you are no longer presentable to users.

First, let’s learn about what technical SEO entails.

To the newcomer, technical SEO can seem involved and confusing, but it really comes down to identifying and correcting problems within your website’s structure.

Separate from content marketing, link building, and other distinct branches of SEO, technical SEO refers to all the nuts and bolts of optimizing your site to be crawled by Google’s search bots.

Think about it this way: the modern Google has technical standards that a website must meet if you want that site to rank well. Google isn’t going to serve up just any website to users. The site must signal to Google that it meets the requirements of a useful website.

Start Technical SEO

Technical SEO Checklist:

Website security

SSL certificates encrypt and protect your site’s data.

XML sitemaps

These organize your site’s URLs so search engines can crawl them easily.

Site speed

A fast website will only help you prove to Google that you are worthy of ranking.

Duplicate content

Google penalizes sites with duplicate content because of the ways that repetition can confuse or deceive users.

Robots.txt files

These are used to tell web crawlers to stay out of certain areas of a site.

Image alt text

This is that brief description of an image that tells a crawler a little more about the subject of a web page.

Internal and external links

These point users and crawlers to different URLs on the internet, and if they’re broken, users have a diminished experience on your site.

We look at plenty of other technical SEO issues for our clients, but this list gives you an idea of the important areas we focus on when we’re optimizing a website.

Why Your Website Needs Technical SEO

Think of technical SEO as one of the main gatekeepers standing between your website and a good Google ranking. The other gatekeepers include authoritative content, intuitive web design, and a strong backlink profile.

You have to do fairly well in all these areas if you want to rank. If your content is awesome and everything looks good visually, but your technical SEO is severely lacking, Google will not treat your site favorably. As a result, the customers you want to reach will never find you.

Allowing proper crawling and indexing is the answer. It’s all about the user experience. Fixing your technical SEO will signal to Google that your site is ready to present visitors with a good experience.

But let’s peel back the onion and dive deeper. The LSEO staff kindly presents: The Ultimate Guide to Technical SEO…Technical SEO Checklist

The Ultimate Guide to Technical SEO

The digital space is an expansive, evolving environment. One critical element that ensures a website’s visibility and performance in this ecosystem is Technical SEO. Technical Search Engine Optimization, or Technical SEO, underpins the efficacy of a website by making it easy for search engines to crawl and index. This discipline is more than just a catchphrase—it is a fundamental part of the SEO strategy that has the power to drive substantial organic traffic, improve site visibility, and enhance user experience.

A well-optimized site ensures search engines can understand its structure, meaning, and intent. Yet, Technical SEO goes beyond benefiting just search engines—it also has a significant impact on user experience. By improving aspects such as site speed, mobile optimization, and website security, Technical SEO can greatly enhance user engagement and conversion rates. This guide seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of Technical SEO, taking you through its history, the critical considerations, and practical examples of solutions. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will possess the knowledge necessary to effectively optimize your website, offering both search engines and users an exceptional experience.

History of Technical SEO

Technical SEO is not a new concept—it has evolved alongside search engines since their inception. In the early days of the internet, search engines had rudimentary algorithms, and there was little emphasis on site structure or user experience. Websites primarily focused on stuffing content with keywords to rank higher.

However, the game changed as search engines grew more sophisticated. Key algorithm updates like Google’s Panda and Penguin in the early 2010s began penalizing low-quality content and manipulative link practices, pushing website owners to pay more attention to the technical aspects of their sites. Over time, factors such as website speed, mobile optimization, crawlability, and secure connections became important considerations in search rankings.

The introduction of the Hummingbird update in 2013 and RankBrain in 2015 marked a shift towards understanding user intent and delivering more relevant results. This pushed technical SEO to further evolve, with an increased focus on structured data and schema markup to help search engines better understand the content.


In 2018, Google announced mobile-first indexing, prioritizing mobile-friendly websites—an event underscoring the importance of responsive design in technical SEO. And with BERT in 2019, Google made significant strides in processing natural language, adding another layer of complexity to technical SEO.


Through these developments, it’s clear that technical SEO has grown from simple keyword stuffing to a multifaceted discipline. As search engines continue to evolve, so too will the technical considerations needed to stay visible and relevant.

Technical SEO Considerations and Solutions

Website Structure and Navigation

One of the first pillars of technical SEO is website structure and navigation. A well-structured site facilitates search engine bots in understanding and indexing your site. Meanwhile, clear navigation helps users find the information they need quickly, enhancing user experience and potentially improving your site’s bounce rate and dwell time—both signals search engines use to determine site quality.

Website structure involves the way your site’s pages interconnect. Ideally, your site should have a hierarchical structure, with the homepage at the top, followed by category pages, and then individual pages or posts. A shallow website architecture—that is, one that requires three or fewer clicks to reach any page—is considered optimal for both user navigation and search engine crawling.

Creating a clear, logical navigation menu is a crucial part of this process. The menu should include links to all major sections of your site and be easily accessible from any page. Using descriptive text in your navigation menu can help search engines understand the content of the linked pages.

Another important aspect is the URL structure. Clean, descriptive URLs that include keywords provide both users and search engines with more information about the page. For example, a URL like ‘www.example.com/womens-shoes/running-shoes’ is far more informative than ‘www.example.com/product12345’. Not only does the former tell users and search engines what to expect on the page, but it also shows the page’s position in the site’s hierarchy.

Internal linking is a further crucial aspect of site structure. Properly used, internal links can help distribute page authority throughout your site and guide users to related content. For instance, a blog post about running could link to your page selling running shoes. For optimal results, use descriptive anchor text in your internal links to provide clear cues about the linked content.

Breadcrumbs are another useful navigation aid that benefits both users and search engines. These are small navigational aids that typically appear at the top of a page showing the user’s path to their current location. For instance, ‘Home > Women’s Shoes > Running Shoes’. They help users understand their location within your site and enable them to navigate back up the hierarchy easily.

Creating an XML sitemap is another effective way to help search engines understand your site’s structure. A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your site that you want search engines to index. It provides search engines with information about the content on your site, its relative importance, and how often it is updated.

In conclusion, a well-thought-out site structure and clear navigation are fundamental to creating a user-friendly website that search engines can effectively crawl and index. These aspects of technical SEO shouldn’t be overlooked as they can significantly impact your site’s visibility and usability.

Site Speed and Performance

Site speed is a crucial technical SEO aspect that directly affects both user experience and search engine rankings. A slow-loading website increases the likelihood of users abandoning your site, leading to higher bounce rates. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is an excellent resource for checking your site’s speed and identifying potential areas for improvement.

Several factors contribute to site speed. One major element is image optimization—large, uncompressed images can drastically slow down a page’s loading time. Compressing images, using appropriate file types (like JPEG for photographs and PNG for graphics with fewer colors), and leveraging lazy loading (where images only load when they come into the viewport) can significantly improve page speed.

Additionally, minimizing the number of HTTP requests by reducing the number of elements on a page can also enhance site performance. Every file and image on your website requires a separate HTTP request, so the fewer requests, the faster your site can load.

Caching is another critical element of site speed. When a user visits your website, caching stores some parts of your site on their device, so it doesn’t need to be re-loaded entirely on subsequent visits. Implementing a robust caching policy can greatly enhance your site’s speed.

Finally, minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML can also contribute to improving site speed. Minification involves removing unnecessary characters from these files, like white space and comments, which can reduce the size of the file without changing its functionality.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is the process of ensuring your website offers an optimal experience on mobile devices. With Google’s shift towards mobile-first indexing, having a mobile-friendly website is no longer optional—it’s essential. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help determine if your site meets this standard.

Responsive design is the cornerstone of mobile optimization. A responsive website adjusts its layout based on the screen size and orientation of the device accessing it. This ensures your site remains user-friendly, whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Mobile optimization also encompasses elements like navigation and readability. On a smaller screen, cluttered menus and small text can lead to a poor user experience. Simplifying your site’s navigation, increasing font size, and ensuring adequate spacing between elements can significantly enhance usability on mobile devices.

Page speed is particularly important on mobile, where users often have slower internet connections. Following the site speed strategies outlined in the previous section is crucial for mobile optimization.

Crawlability and Indexability

Crawlability and indexability are critical for ensuring search engines can access and understand your website’s content. If a search engine can’t crawl your site effectively or struggles to index your pages, your site’s visibility in search results can be negatively impacted.

Crawlability refers to the search engine’s ability to navigate through your website and read its content. Problems with crawlability often stem from issues in a website’s robots.txt file, which tells search engines which parts of your site to crawl and which to ignore. It’s crucial to ensure this file doesn’t inadvertently block search engines from accessing important content.

Indexability, on the other hand, relates to whether search engines can include a page in their search results. Meta tags, specifically the “noindex” directive, can control this. If a page is marked with a “noindex” meta tag, search engines will not include it in their index, and it won’t appear in search results. It’s essential to check that important pages aren’t unintentionally marked with this directive.

Sitemaps also play a crucial role in crawlability and indexability. They provide search engines with a roadmap to your website’s content and indicate the importance of pages relative to each other. This can help search engines discover new content and understand the context of different pages. Therefore, regularly updating and submitting your sitemap via Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools is an essential part of good technical SEO practice.

Lastly, implementing a consistent, logical URL structure contributes to better crawlability. URLs should be easily understandable, both to users and search engines, reflecting the page’s content and position within the site’s hierarchy. Clean, descriptive URLs are more likely to be indexed effectively by search engines and provide users with a better understanding of the page content at a glance.

Additionally, ensuring a website doesn’t have duplicate content is crucial for successful indexing. Duplicate content confuses search engines and makes it harder for them to understand which version of a page to index and rank. Using canonical URLs can help address this issue by telling search engines which version of a page is the “original” and should be included in their index.


In essence, crawlability and indexability lie at the heart of technical SEO. Ensuring your site is easy to navigate and understand for search engines sets the foundation for it to be effectively indexed, thereby enhancing its visibility in search results.

HTTPS and Security

The security of a website is an integral component of technical SEO. Google has declared site security as a ranking factor, with HTTPS now being a standard for websites. HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts the data transferred between a user’s browser and the website they’re interacting with, making it harder for malicious third parties to intercept this data.

Transitioning from HTTP to HTTPS involves obtaining and installing an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate. These certificates authenticate the identity of your website and encrypt the data transmitted. Notably, browsers indicate HTTPS sites with a padlock symbol in the address bar, which can help build user trust.

It’s crucial to ensure that after migrating to HTTPS, all versions of your site (including HTTP versions) redirect to the HTTPS version. Without proper redirection, you could end up with duplicate content issues, diluting your site’s SEO value.

Besides HTTPS, other security measures also play a role in technical SEO. Implementing a robust security system to prevent hacking attempts and regularly updating your site’s software and plugins to the latest versions can help keep your site secure. Websites that are repeatedly compromised can be flagged by search engines, negatively impacting their ranking and reputation.

Schema Markup and Structured Data

Schema markup and structured data represent an advanced yet potent part of technical SEO. Schema markup is a semantic vocabulary that you can add to your website’s HTML to enhance how search engines read and represent your page in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). 

Structured data helps provide explicit clues about a page’s content by including additional information that is easy for search engines to understand. For example, if you have a cooking website, you could use structured data to identify your recipes, their ingredients, cooking times, and so on. This information can then be used by search engines to display rich snippets in search results, such as star ratings, images, or cooking times.

Various types of schema markup can be utilized depending on your website’s content. These include (but are not limited to) Organization, Person, Local Business, Recipe, Product, and Event schema. Each one offers different options for detailing your content.

Implementing schema markup requires some technical understanding, as it involves adding specific code to your website’s HTML. Various tools are available to help with this, such as Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

In summary, though not a direct ranking factor, schema markup can significantly enhance how your website appears in SERPs, potentially boosting your click-through rates. By providing search engines with a clearer understanding of your content, you can help ensure that your site is displayed to a relevant audience, enhancing your visibility and user engagement.

 International and Multilingual SEO 

If your business operates in multiple countries or languages, understanding the technical aspects of international and multilingual SEO is essential. This involves informing search engines about which countries you are targeting and which languages you are using on your website.


One way to signal this to search engines is by using hreflang tags. These are bits of HTML code that indicate the language and geographical targeting of a webpage. This is particularly useful if you have different versions of your website for different countries or languages. For instance, an English page targeting the US would have the hreflang tag “en-us”, while a French page targeting France would have “fr-fr”.

Country-specific domains (ccTLDs) or subdomains and subdirectories can also be employed to target different regions or languages. For example, “example.fr” could be a French version of your site, or “fr.example.com” could serve the same purpose. 

Implementing international SEO properly can be complex, but it’s essential for ensuring the correct version of your website is shown to users in different countries or those using different languages.

Website Accessibility

Website accessibility, although primarily aimed at making your website more usable for people with disabilities, can also influence your SEO. Search engines prefer sites that are more accessible and user-friendly, making this an important consideration.

 Accessible websites have clear, logical layouts and navigation. They use alt text for images, enabling screen readers to describe the images to visually impaired users—this can also help search engines understand the image content. Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are used correctly to structure content, which aids both accessibility tools and search engines in understanding the content hierarchy.

 Accessible sites also ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background colors and provide transcripts for audio or video content. Incorporating these elements can make your site more accessible to a wider range of users, improving user experience and potentially positively impacting your SEO.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals, introduced by Google in 2020, are a set of metrics related to speed, responsiveness, and visual stability, designed to help site owners measure user experience on the web. They’ve become part of Google’s ranking algorithm, underlining their importance in the realm of technical SEO.

The three Core Web Vitals are:

1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This measures loading performance and aims to have the main content of a page load within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading.


2. First Input Delay (FID): This quantifies interactivity and seeks to have pages respond to user interactions (like clicks, taps, or key presses) within 100 milliseconds.


3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This gauges visual stability. It aims for a minimum amount of unexpected layout shifting on a page—ideally, a score of less than 0.1.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Search Console can help monitor and improve these metrics. A good score in Core Web Vitals can enhance your site’s performance in search engine rankings, further solidifying the role of user experience in SEO.

Duplicate Content and Canonicalization

Duplicate content can create confusion for search engines, making it harder for them to decide which version of a page to index and rank. It can also dilute link equity if different versions of a page receive separate backlinks, reducing the overall SEO value. 

To mitigate this, the use of canonical tags is recommended. A canonical tag is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. For example, if product information is available through multiple URLs, a canonical tag can be used to point to one primary URL.

Besides canonical tags, setting up 301 redirects can also be effective in dealing with duplicate content. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another, letting search engines know that the original page has been moved to a new URL.

Regularly auditing your site for duplicate content and appropriately applying canonical tags or 301 redirects can enhance your site’s SEO by ensuring search engines correctly index your content.

Server Errors and Website Downtime

Server errors and website downtime can severely impact your website’s performance in search engine rankings. If a search engine’s bots encounter frequent errors when trying to access your site, it may downgrade your site’s ranking or, in severe cases, de-index it altogether.

Common server errors include 404 (Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error). These can be identified by regularly checking your site’s status codes and logs. Fixing 404 errors usually involves setting up redirects to the correct page or improving your site’s navigation to prevent dead-end links.

Downtime can be monitored through various online services, and preventive measures include using reliable hosting services, regular website maintenance, and implementing proper server security. Keeping your site’s downtime to a minimum ensures that search engines and users can access your content when they need it, contributing to a better ranking and user experience.

URL Structure

A well-structured URL provides both users and search engines with clues about what the destination page will be about. Descriptive, keyword-rich URLs can help improve your site’s visibility. For example, ‘www.example.com/womens-shoes/running-shoes’ is much more informative and SEO-friendly than ‘www.example.com/product12345’.

URLs should also be as concise as possible. Long URLs can look spammy and be harder for users to remember. Shorter URLs are typically more easily understandable and attractive to potential visitors.

Additionally, using hyphens to separate words in a URL makes it easier for search engines to parse and can lead to better visibility. On the other hand, using underscore or spaces in URLs is not recommended as they can lead to errors and are less SEO-friendly.

By maintaining a clear, concise URL structure, you can create a more navigable site for your users, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages, thereby enhancing your SEO performance.

XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt

XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt are fundamental files for every website from a technical SEO perspective. They serve as directives to search engines about how to crawl and index your website.

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all important pages of a website, allowing search engines to understand the site structure and discover new pages. Sitemaps are particularly useful for large websites with many pages, new websites with few backlinks, or websites with a complex structure. All major search engines support XML sitemaps. Tools like Google’s Search Console allow you to submit your sitemap directly for indexing.

On the other hand, Robots.txt is a file that instructs search engines which parts of your website they should and shouldn’t crawl. For instance, you may not want search engines to crawl and index certain files, pages, or directories to save your crawl budget or keep them private. Keep in mind that Robots.txt doesn’t guarantee non-indexing—it merely suggests to compliant bots not to crawl specified areas.

Both these files need to be correctly configured to ensure that search engines can effectively crawl and index your site, thereby enhancing your website’s search visibility.

JavaScript and SEO

JavaScript is a popular scripting language used to create interactive elements on websites. However, incorrect use of JavaScript can hinder a search engine’s ability to crawl and index your site, potentially harming your SEO.

Historically, search engines have struggled with JavaScript-heavy websites. But now, most search engines, including Google, can crawl, interpret, and index JavaScript content. However, the process is more complex and resource-intensive than crawling HTML.

To ensure that your JavaScript website is SEO-friendly, consider implementing the following practices. 


First, use “Progressive Enhancement,” a design principle that emphasizes core webpage content first and then progressively adds more nuanced and technically rigorous layers of presentation and features on top of the content. 


Second, use dynamic rendering. This is a solution Google recommends for JavaScript-heavy websites, especially when the JavaScript functionality is complex or involves frequent changes. It involves serving a static HTML snapshot of a page to search engines while serving the regular JavaScript version to users.


Third, consider using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Pre-Rendering for your JavaScript website. Both these techniques generate the final page on the server before it reaches the user or search engine, making it easier to crawl.


Correctly optimizing JavaScript-heavy websites can make the difference between your site appearing in search engine results or being virtually invisible, thus underlining the importance of understanding the relationship between JavaScript and SEO

Some Concluding Thoughts on Technical SEO before we get to the Technical SEO FAQ

Technical SEO, while often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in any effective SEO strategy. This comprehensive guide aimed to shine a light on the key considerations in technical SEO, providing insights into their implementation and importance in shaping your site’s performance in search engine rankings. From website structure to Core Web Vitals, from accessibility to JavaScript optimization, each component forms a piece of the complex puzzle that is SEO.

Remember that, like most digital practices, SEO is continuously evolving, driven by ever-changing search engine algorithms. Staying informed and adaptable, conducting regular audits, and refining your strategy based on reliable data are crucial to maintaining and improving your site’s SEO performance.

Whether you decide to take on the challenge of technical SEO yourself or hire a professional, the key is to give it the attention it deserves in your broader SEO and digital marketing strategy. After all, a well-optimized site lays the foundation for all your content and marketing efforts to thrive. With this guide in hand, you are well-equipped to take a step forward in your technical SEO journey.

We now present to you the most frequently asked questions about Technical SEO along with answers from seasoned experts at LSEO.

Frequently Asked Questions about Technical SEO

What is the importance of technical SEO in an overall SEO strategy?

Technical SEO is a fundamental component of any SEO strategy. It involves optimizing your website not just for the end-users but also for the search engine spiders. Its primary goal is to improve the website’s infrastructure so search engines can crawl and index pages efficiently and accurately, thereby improving organic rankings.

While content may be king, without technical SEO, even well-crafted, high-quality content may go unnoticed. If search engines cannot crawl and index your website, they cannot understand or assign relevance to your content. Consequently, your visibility in search engine results may be compromised.

Furthermore, technical SEO encompasses aspects that contribute to user experience, like page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and security. Poor performance in these areas can lead to high bounce rates, deterring users from staying or returning to your site, and can negatively impact your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In essence, technical SEO is the foundation of your SEO strategy, ensuring your website is crawlable, indexable, and user-friendly, ultimately improving its organic visibility and ranking.

How often should a technical SEO audit be performed?

The frequency of technical SEO audits can depend on various factors, including the size of your website, the dynamics of your industry, and the regularity of search engine algorithm updates. However, as a general rule of thumb, conducting a technical SEO audit twice a year is advisable for most websites.

Frequent updates or major redesigns may warrant more regular audits. Likewise, if your website operates in a highly competitive or rapidly changing industry, staying on top of your technical SEO is crucial to maintain your competitive edge.

Moreover, search engine algorithms are continually evolving, with major updates potentially affecting the effectiveness of your SEO strategies. Post-update periods are an ideal time for an SEO audit to ensure your website remains compliant with the new rules and continues to rank well in SERPs.

In essence, regular technical SEO audits allow you to spot and fix issues before they escalate, helping maintain your website’s health and its visibility in search results.

Can I handle technical SEO on my own, or should I hire a professional?

The complexity of technical SEO can vary greatly. Some aspects, like improving site load speed or implementing basic metadata, can be handled with minimal technical knowledge. There are numerous online resources and tools available to guide you through these processes.

However, more complex tasks like implementing structured data, managing server responses, or handling JavaScript for SEO may require a deeper understanding of web development. If these tasks are not performed correctly, they can potentially harm your site’s SEO rather than improve it.

If you’re willing to invest time in learning and have a knack for technicalities, handling your own technical SEO can be feasible and rewarding. However, if you’re running a large website, operate in a competitive industry, or simply lack the time or inclination to delve into the technical aspects, hiring a professional might be a better option.

A skilled SEO professional or agency like LSEO.com has the expertise to quickly identify and address technical SEO issues, stay abreast of algorithm updates, and implement advanced SEO strategies, which could potentially lead to better and quicker results.

Click here to learn more about LSEO’s Technical SEO Services.

Does technical SEO impact website design?

Absolutely. In fact, technical SEO and website design are closely interwoven and should ideally be considered simultaneously. Good website design doesn’t just make your site visually appealing—it also impacts your site’s performance, usability, and crawlability, all of which are crucial elements of technical SEO.

For instance, a site with a clean, logical structure is easier for search engine bots to crawl and index. Consistent, intuitive navigation helps users and search engines find what they’re looking for. Likewise, responsive design that automatically adjusts for different screen sizes is an essential aspect of mobile SEO.

Additionally, design decisions can impact site speed—a key technical SEO factor. Heavy use of high-resolution images, complicated animations, or unnecessary plugins can all slow down page load times, which can harm your SEO and user experience.

In essence, good website design doesn’t just look good; it aids technical SEO by making your site user-friendly and easily understandable to search engines.

How can I measure the success of my technical SEO efforts?

The success of technical SEO efforts can be measured using a variety of tools and metrics. Google’s Search Console is an invaluable tool that provides insights into how your site is performing in search results, including visibility, indexing status, mobile usability, and site speed.

Key metrics to monitor include organic search traffic, bounce rate, page load time, and crawl errors. An increase in organic traffic, a decrease in bounce rate, or improvements in page load times can all indicate successful technical SEO.

Further, the rank of your site in search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords can be a clear indicator of SEO success. However, remember that SEO is a long-term strategy, and it may take time before you see significant improvements in your rankings.

Using these tools and metrics, you can gauge the impact of your technical SEO efforts and identify areas that may require further optimization.

What is the role of XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt in Technical SEO?

Both XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt files play significant roles in directing search engine bots on how to interact with your website.

An XML Sitemap serves as a roadmap of your website, enabling search engines to find, crawl, and index your site’s pages more efficiently. Particularly crucial for large websites with thousands of pages, new sites with minimal external links, or sites with complex architectures, an XML Sitemap can help search engines discover your most critical pages.

On the other hand, the Robots.txt file gives instructions to search engine bots about which parts of your site to crawl or not crawl. For instance, you might want to exclude certain pages or directories from being indexed to save your crawl budget or to keep private pages out of search results. However, it’s important to note that Robots.txt is merely advisory and doesn’t guarantee the exclusion of listed pages from search engine indexing.

Overall, effectively managing these files can significantly improve your website’s crawlability and indexability—core aspects of technical SEO.

How does mobile optimization impact Technical SEO?

Mobile optimization is a vital component of technical SEO, primarily because of the shift to mobile-first indexing by search engines. This shift means that search engines, like Google, use the mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking.

If your site isn’t properly optimized for mobile devices, it can lead to a poor user experience and may negatively impact your search engine rankings. Mobile optimization involves ensuring that your site is responsive (adjusts and displays correctly on various screen sizes), has fast loading times on mobile devices, and offers easy navigation and legibility on smaller screens.

Moreover, given the growing trend of mobile searches surpassing desktop, failing to optimize for mobile can result in missing out on a significant portion of potential traffic.

Why is site speed crucial in Technical SEO?

Site speed, or how quickly your web pages load, is a crucial factor in technical SEO for two main reasons. First, it directly affects user experience. A slow-loading site can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and fewer conversions. 

Second, site speed is a recognized ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. A slow website can be penalized in search engine rankings, directly impacting your site’s visibility and organic traffic. Google’s emphasis on Core Web Vitals, which include loading performance, further underlines the importance of site speed.

To optimize your site speed, consider tactics such as compressing images, minimizing HTTP requests, using browser caching, and optimizing your CSS and JavaScript files.

What is schema markup and how does it help in Technical SEO?

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a form of microdata that helps search engines understand the content on your website better. It provides explicit clues about the meaning of a page, leading to more accurate indexing and better search relevance.

When implemented correctly, schema markup can potentially enhance your visibility in SERPs by enabling rich snippets or other advanced search features like breadcrumbs, carousels, or knowledge graphs. These enhancements can make your listing more attractive and informative, leading to higher click-through rates.

While schema markup doesn’t directly impact your rankings, the potential improvement in click-through rates and the added context it provides to search engines can positively influence your SEO performance.

How do server errors impact Technical SEO?

Server errors can significantly affect your technical SEO as they may prevent search engines from accessing and indexing your web pages. If search engine bots frequently encounter errors when attempting to crawl your site, it may lead to lower crawl efficiency, poorer indexation, and eventually, a downgrade in your site’s ranking.

Common server errors include 404 (Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error). Regularly auditing your website for server errors can help maintain its health and visibility in search engine rankings. You can use tools like Google Search Console to monitor server errors and address them promptly.

For instance, 404 errors, which occur when a page can’t be found, can be resolved by either restoring the missing page, redirecting the broken URL to an existing page, or ensuring that no other pages link to the non-existing page.

On the other hand, 500 errors, which are server-side errors, might require a more technical approach to resolve, such as debugging your server or application code.

Proactively managing server errors is a crucial part of technical SEO, ensuring that both users and search engines can access and navigate your site effectively, leading to better user experience and SEO performance. 

What are Core Web Vitals and how do they affect Technical SEO?

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics introduced by Google to measure user experience on the web. They consist of Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which measures loading performance, First Input Delay (FID), which measures interactivity, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), which measures visual stability.

These metrics have become essential to technical SEO as they are part of Google’s ranking algorithm. Websites that fail to meet the recommended thresholds for these metrics might see a negative impact on their rankings.

By optimizing your website for Core Web Vitals, you enhance the user experience, which can lead to improved engagement metrics and potentially better rankings in SERPs. It’s crucial to regularly monitor and optimize these metrics using tools like Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights.

What is JavaScript SEO and why is it important?

JavaScript SEO refers to the optimization of JavaScript-heavy websites for search engines. While search engines have grown better at crawling and indexing JavaScript, there can still be issues if not properly managed.

These issues may arise because JavaScript rendering can be resource-intensive, which can lead to delays in content being indexed. Additionally, if crucial content or links are loaded asynchronously, they might be missed by search engine bots.

By ensuring your JavaScript-powered website is crawlable, indexable, and renders efficiently, you can make your dynamic content more accessible to search engines, improving your site’s visibility in SERPs. Strategies can include server-side rendering (SSR), dynamic rendering, or using the principles of progressive enhancement.

JavaScript SEO is becoming increasingly important as more websites use JavaScript frameworks for dynamic and interactive user experiences. Therefore, understanding how to optimize your JavaScript for SEO is a critical skill in modern web development.

How does user experience (UX) intersect with Technical SEO?

User experience (UX) and technical SEO are increasingly interconnected. While technical SEO focuses on making a website accessible and understandable to search engines, UX prioritizes the user’s interaction with the site. Both are aimed at providing the best possible experience for users and are crucial to a website’s success.

Technical aspects such as site speed, mobile optimization, and site structure significantly influence the user experience. Slow load times, poor mobile responsiveness, or confusing navigation can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. On the other hand, a fast, user-friendly, and easily navigable site can increase user engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, search engines have started integrating UX signals into their ranking algorithms, making UX a direct ranking factor. Google’s introduction of Core Web Vitals—metrics that measure real-world user experience—is a clear demonstration of this trend.

Therefore, while optimizing your site for search engines, it’s crucial to consider the end-user. A site that’s both technically sound and provides an excellent user experience will likely perform better in search engine rankings.

How does structured data help in voice search optimization?

Structured data can play a significant role in optimizing for voice search—one of the fastest-growing trends in search technology. Voice search devices, like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri, often draw from structured data to provide users with quick, accurate answers.

Schema markup, a form of structured data, helps search engines understand the context of your content. When you use it to mark up elements like FAQs, recipes, or business information, it increases the chance of this information being pulled into voice search results.

For instance, if you own a restaurant and use schema markup to highlight your menu items, prices, and opening hours, a voice assistant could relay this information accurately to a user asking for nearby places to eat.

As voice search continues to grow, incorporating structured data into your technical SEO strategy could give you a competitive edge by increasing your visibility in voice search results.

How do content and technical SEO work together?

While technical SEO lays the foundation for a website to be crawled, indexed, and ranked, content is what actually attracts and engages users. Therefore, both are vital and complementary elements of an effective SEO strategy.

Technical SEO can make your site more accessible and understandable to search engines. It ensures your site is fast, mobile-friendly, secure, and easily navigable—all factors that can affect how well your site ranks in search results.

On the other hand, quality content is what users and search engines are ultimately looking for. It provides value to users, encourages engagement, and contains the keywords that help search engines understand what your site is about.


Without technical SEO, your high-quality content might go unnoticed by search engines. Conversely, without valuable content, there’s little reason for users or search engines to visit your technically optimized site. Thus, the interplay between content and technical SEO is crucial to driving organic traffic and achieving SEO success.

Why Choose Our Technical SEO Services?

If you are not experienced in the more technical aspects of websites or how SEO works, you might get caught up with digital marketing agencies offering you quick and easy SEO. At LSEO, we take the time to deliver outstanding products to you. Results for your business are all that matter to us.

Our technical SEO services are unique in that we do as much of it manually as we can and explain everything to you as we go. We want you to trust that your business is in the best hands.


The LSEO team has a combined 20+ years of experience providing technical SEO services for brands and sites that have generated more than $1 million annually in organic revenue. You wouldn’t want just anyone working on your technical SEO. You want the pros.

Manual Approach

We always take the manual approach with technical SEO. Nothing we do is automated. Our SEO experts inspect every corner of your website themselves so we can be sure we are fine-tuning it all correctly.

Real Recommendations

When we consult with you on your site’s technical SEO, we suggest real changes that should be made to improve your rankings. We do not clutter your reports with filler text about irrelevant issues. Every site is different and will need different technical changes.

Dedicated Account Manager

When you sign on with us for technical SEO services, we assign you a dedicated account manager. That manager is an SEO expert who will take the time to get to know your business, recommend the best technical updates for your website, and answer all your questions.