The Client
PAK Pediatrics is located in Northeastern Pennsylvania and provides essential pediatric care for the community. Through the years PAK has cared for thousands of babies and children. Many parents in the practice were patients there as children and now look to PAK to provide medical care to their children and families.

The Problem
Prior to working with LSEO, PAK was barely running any online campaigns. They had stuck with traditional advertising such as radio, tv, billboard ads. PAK wanted to expand and grow their audience in a more targeted way, so they reached out to LSEO to promote their bimonthly Meet ‘N Greet event. At the event expecting mothers can meet PAK’s doctors one-on-one. This experience gives expecting mothers a peace of mind, and helps PAK gain new patients.
The Strategy
LSEO took over the creative process and began conducting audience research to find expecting mothers and mothers of young children within a 20 mile radius of PAK’s locations. Using Facebook and Instagram campaigns, we sent leads to a custom high converting landing page where the user would enter their contact information to register for the event. From there, PAK’s business office would contact the leads and provide more information about the event.
The Results
When using traditional media in 2018, the Meet ‘N Greet Events had 125 families sign up. In 2019 when PAK put a major focus on digital marketing to bring in sign ups, 210 families signed up. Patient sign ups from the Meet ‘N Greet events rose 70% from the previous year!
LSEO has exceeded our expectations. We’re very happy they’re our digital partner.