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[ SEO Marketing ]

by: Michael Ruth
How Google Question Hub Can Help Your Content in 2021

Whenever new products and services come out to satisfy some core need of an industry, it always seems strange to me that we have come this far without those things. It’s hard to imagine a world...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Jade Matusick
10 Reasons Your Company Needs Content Marketing

The capabilities of digital marketing are truly endless. There are hundreds of SEO, paid media, and social media advertising factors that work together to earn customers’ attention. Regardless of...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Michael Ruth
Is Content Marketing a Viable Lead-Generation Tactic?

When we talk about SEO, we are referring to one major branch of digital marketing that itself splits off into several smaller branches. Looking at SEO from a broad perspective, it is composed of...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy ]

by: Michael Ruth
The Importance of Authenticity in Modern Content Marketing

Did you know that your pictures on Snapchat don’t really disappear? In 2013, Subway suffered a lawsuit in Australia after consumers noticed their “footlong” subs were not one foot in...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
Google’s Duplicate Content Penalty: The Myth Discussion

Does duplicate content truly hurt your website's rankings in Google? Most of this paranoia is the result of the pervasive duplicate content penalty...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
Infographic or Listicle? The New Wave of Content

Infographics and listicles have an ambivalent relationship with consumers. Some praise their brevity and memorability, and some despise their bare content....

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
Philosophical Tactics for Creating Viral Content | Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Though there’s no set formula for creating viral content, there is one tactic that has a significant impact: the use of Ethos, Pathos and...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
4 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Video Content Campaign

Unless you’ve avoided all forms of content marketing buzz, you’re well aware that video is a BIG deal when it comes to successful marketing...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
Yoast SEO Plugin – Everything You Need to Know to Optimize for WordPress!

Learn more about the Yoast SEO Plugin from one of Yoast's very own trusted vendors - LSEO.com. We provide you everything you need to know to be...

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[ Content Marketing Strategy, SEO Marketing ]

by: Kyle Kozie
Listicles and Infographics | Six Reasons Why They Dominate Content

In a world dominated by social media, the advent of visually striking infographics and listicles has become one of the most effective tools for companies to curate content and web exposure. Here is a...

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