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Jack Trapani

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
How Facebook Retargeting Works (And 6 Ways To Set It Up)

Have you ever wondered how those Facebook ads know exactly what item you were looking at on your favorite e-commerce site or even what blog you read then see an invitation to join the email...

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
The Beginners Guide To Your First Facebook Ad Campaign

If you happen to have found yourself here either by chance or by intent because you are having trouble with your Facebook ads or do not even know where to start then consider yourself lucky! This...

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
Add The Facebook Tracking Pixel to WordPress (In 3 Minutes)

After creating the Facebook Pixel, you might be wondering how do I exactly add this piece of code to my website or even how do I install the Facebook Pixel on my WordPress site. Even if you have...

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
What is the Facebook Pixel

How the Facebook Pixel Affects Your Business and Why You Need It If you’re using advertising on Facebook right now — or if you plan to use the platform in the near future — there is one...

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
How to Foolproof Your Facebook Advertising Strategy

Did you know that 92% of marketers use Facebook to advertise? In a world gone digital, the best market for attracting new customers is the virtual one. Not only does the digital world open up your...

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[ Social Media Marketing ]

by: Jack Trapani
Facebook Advertising: 10 Fast Facts

Facebook advertising provides the most robust platform for audience targeting and analysis. With the most sophisticated psychographic targeting available on any digital platform, Facebook remains the...

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[ Social Media ]

by: Jack Trapani
5 Social Media Best Practices You Should Have Been Implementing Yesterday

With the arrival of social media marketing, a new paradigm of online marketing was thus established. Within this new inbound marketing format, advertisements began to dwindle and companies were...

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