SEO Consultants are people whose main job is to get you found on search engines. They carry a special set of skills in digital marketing when it comes to organic search. It all starts with a strategy. 

The strategy SEO consultants devise won’t be narrowly focused. It will look at the bigger picture. While SEO is a game that heavily relies on content and links, there are so much more minute details to focus on that could push you over the hump and help you get to the finish line. That finish line being page one of search results.

SEO consultants will tap into your website’s fullest potential through the strategy that they create. 

SEO Consultant’s Strategy

An SEO consultant’s strategy should consist of the three main pillars of SEO, content, link building, and technical SEO. If the strategy doesn’t involve all three, you may want to seek a different SEO consultant. 

Content & On-Site SEO

A website will not rank without the proper main content or supporting content. Determining what content topics should be present on a website will require in-depth keyword research and competitive research. 

It’s not simple either. Competition changes based on every query. The search engine results pages will be different for every search. The real competition is the ones ranking at the top that you want to displace. 

It takes good SEO consultants to put in that time and effort. It’s time that most business owners don’t have. Hiring professional SEO’s to help with this piece of organic search could fast track your success. 

There is also a special way to write content for SEO which SEO consultants should be able to handle once all of the research and strategizing around target keywords is done. Plus there is more that goes into this than new content generation. Meta tags and internal linking are important aspects of on-site SEO that need to be correct. 

Off-Site SEO

Still a very important part of SEO that in today’s day and age needs to be done right. There is typically only one off-site SEO strategy that is important, and that is link building. 

Link building is such a controversial subject. It’s known that buying sponsored posts or guest posts is not a fair game anymore. Great SEO consultants will strategically be able to build white hat backlinks pointing back to your website. 

It’s time-consuming. It requires hours of outreach, a couple of rejections, and a strategy to try and not only acquire the link, but also where to get it placed on an external site. Content could get you ranking, but it’s backlinks pointing at those content pages that could unlock their ability to rank in the first spot. 

This is something that everyday business owners won’t be able to handle in-house and should seek a professional’s help. 

Technical SEO

This doesn’t carry as high of a priority in Google’s ranking algorithm as content and links, but it’s still something that shouldn’t be ignored. After all, it does still carry partial weight in the algorithm. 

All sites competing for a top spot in the search results will most likely all have the same type of content. Just like proper link building, have a website that is technically sound can separate you from your competition as most other sites don’t hire SEO consultants or don’t pay attention to this aspect of SEO. 

It’s no secret that Google keeps bringing up aspects of technical SEO in the news. Some of the most recent have been mobile-first indexing and core web vitals relating to page speed. 

Only top SEO consultants will be able to handle this portion of your SEO campaign for you, so it’s important to find the right partner.

Get You Found Online

Duh! The main goal of an SEO consultant is to help businesses get found online. This magic happens through the three pillars that should be included in the strategy.

The consultant will do their best to set your website up for success and help make you competitive for the terms you should be ranking for.

Keep You (The Business Owner) Informed

No one wants to be left in the dark, especially if you are investing money into something relating to your business. Good consultants keep their clients up to date on the latest news and trends in the industry while explaining why it’s important in layman’s terms.

This will eliminate any hard conversations or pitfalls when you are unsure of why a change is being made on your website.

Aid in Decision Making & New Marketing

Good SEO consultants set up tools and clean reports that collect all kinds of valuable information on users. This data can be used to help you make important business decisions.

You may be missing something important on your website that competitors are using to help convert traffic at a higher clip. Professional SEO’s can help point this out and make sure you aren’t left in the dust.

What to Look For in an SEO Consultant? 

SEO consultants or so-claimed SEO consultants are a dime a dozen. Finding the right one for you is your toughest task. Here are some things you should look for in a partner.


SEO is forever changing and becoming more advanced. However, some things don’t change like content and links still holding the most value in the ranking algorithm.

Great SEO consultants who have been in the game for a while have years of practice on how to develop the in-depth strategy that it’s going to take for you to get to the top as they should have done it for a countless number of other businesses.

Proven Results

If an SEO consultant carries years of experience, then they should have some use cases to show you. Ask for case studies to show results they’ve developed for other businesses.

This is the best way to determine if the consultant you are talking to has a proven track record.


While some aspects of SEO haven’t changed much, on the flip side some have and new ones are being announced. A good consultant has a vast knowledge of all old and new tactics.

If the person you are talking to for a potential consulting gig can talk the talk while doing a good job of explaining its importance to you, then you may have found a winner.

How Do I Find a Good SEO Consultant? 

Business owners find good SEO consultants by judging them off of exactly what we laid out in this article. Can they talk strategy? What goals do they have for you? Do they carry experience, proven results, and knowledge? 

In all seriousness though, you already found one. LSEO! 

You are here on our site reading this page for a reason. Our team at LSEO is comprised of a bunch of SEO professionals that check all of the boxes. You’re not getting one SEO consultant, you’re getting a team of them. 

This is our favorite service to offer to clients because it’s a holistic strategy. It’s what all website owners need to get to the top. 

You can still shop around, but fill out the form below to discuss LSEO becoming your SEO consulting partner and to see why we are some of the top SEO consultants in the world!